The Ladies of Oak Lane represents the 12 Panhellenic chapters at Virginia Tech and their philanthropic efforts on and off campus. Whether it be through their own national philanthropy, a local cause, university event or other chapter's philanthropy, these women spend countless hours working to better the community. The Ladies of Oak Lane highlights some of the wonderful things the Panhellenic community does both individually and collectively.

Our Mission: To enhance the perception of the Panhellenic community by showcasing chapters' philanthropic efforts.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Delta Gamma to partner up with Tom's Eyewear

As the semester quickly comes to a close, Delta Gamma continues to work hard to ensure a successful end to a successful semester. In the past couple weeks, Delta Gamma has been working hard to install their new executive office, begin planning for their annual philanthropy – Delta Gamma and expanding their philanthropy, Service for Sight.

As the new executive office was named about a month ago, outgoing officers have been working hard to make sure that the transition goes smoothly. Between meetings over lunch and in Christiansburg at advisor’s homes, the chapter women have successfully transitioned over the executive panel for the 2012-year. The new executive office will begin to take over just as spring semester commences and the chapter could not be more excited for the great ideas and plans that these chapter women bring to the table.

As well as installing new officers, the chapter has been rather busy planning Anchorsplash, the chapter’s annual philanthropy that takes place in the beginning of the spring semester. The chapter women have not only designed t-shirts for the event but they have also been assigned as team leaders for fraternities and sororities around campus that are interested in being part of the philanthropy and are currently working with them during their weekly chapter meetings.

Lastly, the chapter is thrilled to be partnering up with Tom’s eyewear “one-for-one” campaign that donates money to offer help to those with sight-based disabilities. As this directly correlates with Delta Gamma’s philanthropic cause Delta Rho chapter at Virginia Tech is anxiously awaiting becoming a part of this movement.

Pleased with the fall semester, Delta Gamma looks forward to an equally successful spring semester and wishes all of the Greek community the best of luck on finals, and furthermore, hope that all have a happy holiday and a well deserved break!