The Ladies of Oak Lane represents the 12 Panhellenic chapters at Virginia Tech and their philanthropic efforts on and off campus. Whether it be through their own national philanthropy, a local cause, university event or other chapter's philanthropy, these women spend countless hours working to better the community. The Ladies of Oak Lane highlights some of the wonderful things the Panhellenic community does both individually and collectively.

Our Mission: To enhance the perception of the Panhellenic community by showcasing chapters' philanthropic efforts.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pi Phi Sisters Helping Sisters for Thanksgiving

The VA Zeta chapter of Pi Beta Phi at Virginia Tech in comprised of sisters from all over the United States. Not everyone can go home for fall break, or even Thanksgiving break.

No matter how long you've been in college, it can be difficult to not see your family for many months at a time. Joining any sorority helps you develop a new family at college, your home away from home.

Most recently, for Thanksgiving break, sisters took other sisters in who couldn't fly or drive home for Thanksgiving. Sisters are family and sisters bring each other into their family homes for these holidays, when what's most important is family!
Pi Phi sisters take a day trip to NYC during break
Some sisters also had to work in Blacksburg during Thanksgiving break and couldn't go home. So many Pi Phis came back for the Virginia Tech vs UVA football game together to be with their sisters and cheer on our Hokies! Sisters always get season football tickets together, and win or lose, Pi Phis always have fun sitting together at games, dancing to the band's playing, and rooting for our team.
Pi Phis throwing what they know at the VT/UVA game 
Spring '12 girls in their seats together at the VT/UVA game! Go Hokies!