The Ladies of Oak Lane represents the 12 Panhellenic chapters at Virginia Tech and their philanthropic efforts on and off campus. Whether it be through their own national philanthropy, a local cause, university event or other chapter's philanthropy, these women spend countless hours working to better the community. The Ladies of Oak Lane highlights some of the wonderful things the Panhellenic community does both individually and collectively.

Our Mission: To enhance the perception of the Panhellenic community by showcasing chapters' philanthropic efforts.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sigma Kappa Celebrates a New Semester

The sisters of Epsilon Chi enjoyed a summer full of fun vacations and then started out the Fall semester strong.  At the Sigma Kappa National Convention, the chapter received the Platinum Giving Circle Award, as well as the Academic Achievement Award.  Several members held internships over the summer at various places including IMG Academy, Nike, the Nationals baseball team, and the Department of Defense.  Members who lived in the Washington, D.C. area attended a professional baseball game together in August.  

 Sisters pose at the Sigma Kappa National Convention

During the first weekend back at school, a sisterhood event was held in which sisters went tubing down the New River and then held a cookout afterwards.  Sisters set up “Just aSK” booths at busy locations around campus in order to help freshmen find their new classes and answer questions about Greek life.  Sisters also enjoyed their time at Gobblerfest, where a table was set up to encourage students to “Go Greek!”

This past weekend, the chapter participated in the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s, also known as Memory Walk, where sisters and Blacksburg residents walked three and a half miles through downtown Blacksburg to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s Disease.  Sisters were able to raise almost $5,000 to go towards Alzheimer’s Disease Research, which is one of Sigma Kappa’s largest philanthropies.  The sisters greatly enjoyed spending a day contributing to the effort!

Sigma Kappa is excited to see what the rest of this semester holds.  From beautiful Fall weather, pumpkin spice lattes, and lots of football, these next few months are sure to be wonderful!