The Ladies of Oak Lane represents the 12 Panhellenic chapters at Virginia Tech and their philanthropic efforts on and off campus. Whether it be through their own national philanthropy, a local cause, university event or other chapter's philanthropy, these women spend countless hours working to better the community. The Ladies of Oak Lane highlights some of the wonderful things the Panhellenic community does both individually and collectively.

Our Mission: To enhance the perception of the Panhellenic community by showcasing chapters' philanthropic efforts.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Alpha Chi Omega presents Mock Rock 2011!

This past week the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega presented their philanthropy Mock Rock that helps the New River Valley Women's Center raise money and collect shelter items for victims of domestic violence. Last year, with the help of 32 participating organizations, Alpha Chi Omega raised over $17,000 to support victims of domestic violence and their children. This year, Alpha Chi Omega is striving to surpass our fundraising goal once again. 

The week before Mock Rock, the sister of Alpha Chi rock out at Kroger, asking people for donation items such as diapers, canned foods, and trash bags. The citizens of Blacksburg are always so willing to help and it warms our hearts! This year both the University Mall and South Main Krogers ran out of the donation items because so many people contributed to the cause. 

Mock Rock is a three-day event that always takes place in the fall semester. There are three separate events, along with a dime wars competition. On Monday, we hosted an event called mock band where each organization gets a group of people to rock out on Rock Band! Tuesday is wing warrior, which is a wing eating contest. The lip sync competition is always the most fun and that took place on Wednesday. Each team performs a dance, song, skit, or a combination in Burruss Auditorium. It is always so much fun to see the acts, all of the organizations put so much time into them. This year 31 teams participated and the New River Valley Women's Resource Center and the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega would like to thank everyone who participated! 

(Shelter Items from "Rocking Out" at Kroger)

(The Sisters of Alpha Chi after the show)