The Ladies of Oak Lane represents the 12 Panhellenic chapters at Virginia Tech and their philanthropic efforts on and off campus. Whether it be through their own national philanthropy, a local cause, university event or other chapter's philanthropy, these women spend countless hours working to better the community. The Ladies of Oak Lane highlights some of the wonderful things the Panhellenic community does both individually and collectively.

Our Mission: To enhance the perception of the Panhellenic community by showcasing chapters' philanthropic efforts.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Alpha Chi Omega Sister Spotlight: Katie Barham!

This past week a sister of Alpha Chi Omega, Katie Barham, was recognized in the Collegiate Times for her philanthropic endeavors in part with the Virginia Tech Women’s Center’s initiative called S.A.V.E.S. on their fight to end dating and relationship violence.

S.A.V.E.S. stands for Sexual Assault and Violence Education by Students, and is a peer education organization that strives to raise awareness of sexual assault and violence through outreach and education in hopes that through their commitment, we can create a safe and accepting environment throughout the Blacksburg/Virginia Tech community. The members of S.A.V.E.S. have been trained in ways of educating people about intense subjects such as sexual assault, stalking, and relationship violence. Members of S.A.V.E.S. go around to organizations on campus including sororities, fraternities, residence halls, and classrooms to get the word out about these serious issues that are faced on our campus, along with other College campuses all across the country, but people tend look over.

During the month of October, the Red Flag Campaign takes place which is one of the Women’s Center’s main initiatives that deals with relationship violence. This movement’s purpose is to teach the public how to recognize “red flags” in relationships and lasts through out the month of October, which is national Domestic Violence Awareness month. Alpha Chi Omega joins in every October to promote the Red Flag Campaign since our philanthropy is to support victims of domestic violence in the New River Valley.
Katie is very passionate about this issue because she says it “goes so unnoticed on college campuses,” and that’s what motivated her to join S.A.V.E.S.  A domestic violence act occurs every 15 seconds somewhere in the United States, and its so inspiring to her sisters and members of the community that Katie, along with other members of S.A.V.E.S., are taking a stand and educating others about domestic violence on Virginia Tech’s Campus.

If you or a friend is in an abusive relationship, the Women’s Center can provide individual and group counseling, shelter, advocacy, and accompaniment to the hospital or legal proceedings. The center is located at 206 Washington St. (0270). To make an appointment, call (540) 231-7806 (between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday).If the center is closed, and you need immediate support, call the Women’s Resource Center of the NRV’s 24-hour hotline at (540) 639-1123. If you are in immediate danger, call 9-11.